Advanced Cryptology
Spring 2016, M. Tech (CS) II Year, Indian Statistical Institute
“Foundations of Cryptography: Volume 1, Basic Tools” by Oded Goldreich, Cambridge University Press, First Edition, 2001.
Reference materials:
Some research papers to be mentioned in class.
Total: 100.
Break up: Scribe: 10, Presentation: 10, Project: 20, Midsem: 20, Final: 40.
Scribe of Lectures:
Note that these scribes contain only a summary of what is discussed in class and do not necessarily cover all the points in detail.
- Lecture 1: Probabilistic Inequalities
- Lecture 2: Strong one-way functions
- Lecture 3: Weak one-way functions
- Lecture 4: Weak implies strong!
- Lecture 5: Collection of OWFs; Trapdoor OWF and OWP
- Lecture 6: Statistical and Computational Distance between Distributions
- Lecture 7: Distribution and Random Variable Ensembles
- Lecture 8: Pseudo-Random Generators
- Lecture 9: Unpredictability
- Lecture 10: Constructions of PRG
- Lecture 11: Hard-core Predicates
- Lecture 12: Goldreich-Levin Theorem
(Click here for combined scribe of Lectures 3 and 4).
(Click here for combined scribe of Lectures 5 and 6).
(Click here for combined scribe of Lectures 11 and 12).
List of Presentations:
- Hard core functions
- Bit Commitment
- Zero-Knowledge proofs
- Verifiable Secret Sharing
- Format Preserving Encryption
- Private Information Retrieval
- Oblivious Transfer
- Identity-based encryption
- Attribute-based / Functional encryption
List of Projects:
- Security proof of Feistel and other Modes
- Related Key Security of Block Ciphers
- Lattice-based attacks on RSA
- Factoring algorithms
- State Recovery Attacks on RC4
- Obfuscation
- Position based cryptography
- Cryptography using noisy communication channels
- Privacy-Preserving Data Mining